Wednesday, June 27, 2007

EEOC Issues "EEO State of Federal Government" Report

Recently, the EEOC issued a review of the 2006 EEO State of the Federal Government, listing a review of the EEO performance of the Federal Government. There is lots of interesting information here, I think, even for private-sector firms. For example, there is information on what should be in an anti-harassment policy -- the report notes, for instance, that

A common problem the Commission encounters is that some anti-harassment procedures, while comprehensive in nature, include separate definitions of sexual harassment. This suggests that, from a legal standpoint, sexual harassment is somehow different in kind from harassment on other bases. It also conveys the impression that sexual harassment claims might be subject to a different standard of liability than other forms of harassment. A more effective approach would be to include sexually oriented verbal or physical conduct within a comprehensive definition of discriminatory harassment.

Also interesting is the suggestion for accountability that managers and supervisors are evaluated on EEO.

Lots of other facts and figures are provided in this report; click here to see the whole report!

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